I foraged all of these medicines in the PNW away from any known biological and chemical contamination and processed it by hand into the medicine I offer you today. Yes I called it Fvck Covid no I am not saying you can use this instead of conventional therapies I am not a doctor. what I can tell you is both Usnea and Turkey Tail are proven to support your immune system. there are many peer reviewed studies on both. Infact Turkey tail mushroom has more studies on it than any other medicinal mushroom. They are both anti viral immune modulators. Usnea has a special affinity for the Lungs and for fighting gram positive bacteria’s such as some types of pneumonia. while Turkey tails are also anti tumor. I use both of these medicines daily and feel safe saying they have kept me in amazing health.
Disclaimer: While studies have and are being conducted I am not involved in conducting them nor am I a scientist or a doctor. please talk to your doctor or health care provider and be sure to do your own research.