This is a 2oz double extract of Usnea. Usnea is a tree lichen, meaning it is a symbiosis of more than one thing, in this case it is both a fungus and an algae. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years as well as has a long history in western herbal practices. This herb was sustainably harvested by me on the Gulf Islands of BC away from chemical or biological contaminants. It is known as a cooling herb that is both drying and energetic.It is used for inflammation and infection as well as it is believed to be a powerful immune modulator and will ward off viruses. This has a special affinity for the lungs and should be part of everyones medicine cabinet

Disclaimer: While studies have and are being conducted I am not involved in conducting them nor am I a scientist or a doctor. please talk to your doctor or health care provider and be sure to do your own research. 



7 in stock
