This is a 2oz double extraction tincture of stinging nettles leaves and roots. I foraged all the plants myself away from biological or chemical contamination.

For thousands of years, stinging nettle has been prized by the ancient Romans and Greeks, as well as Native American tribes, to stimulate circulation, support healthy prostates and erection. Stinging nettle (root, leaves) extracts are known as lignans that bind with SHBG and so raise the free testosteron level in blood. Stinging nettle normalizes the ratio among free testosteron, SHBG, estrogen, and dihydrotestosteron, because it contains 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, which increases free testosterone level in blood by occupying sex hormone-binding globulin. In regular human words, this means it’s believed to be good for your prostate and In turn your little soldier. Erectile difficulty effects approx 40% of men over 39 and 70% of men over 69 taking nettles daily can decrease the size of the prostate and renew blood flow. Take one dropper full 2-3 times per day in a drink to disguise the flavor or straight like a badass❤️

Disclaimer: While studies have and are being conducted I am not involved in conducting them nor am I a scientist or a doctor. please talk to your doctor or health care provider and be sure to do your own research. 



4 in stock
