September 5, 2024So you want to start foraging mushrooms but don’t know where to begin. I’d like to suggest that you begin by picking one fungi and learning everything you can about it. I personally started my mushrooming journey with Trametes Versicolor now also known as Coriolus versicolor or the Turkey Tail mushroom. They are distributed widely all over the word. In China they are called Yun Zhi and in Japan they’re called Kawaratake. I was once told by a renowned mycologist that Turkey tail is the most abundant fungi in the forest. Once upon a time I would have believed him but lately I am finding it more and more difficult to find these colourful little jewels.
What is a turkey Tail? Turkey tails are a saprophytic polypore bracket fungus. Polypore refers to the underside of the mushroom, where you would often find gills. On a polypore you find a porous underside. A bracket fungus is a shelf like growth. They grow on dead or decaying hardwood logs, sticks and branches. and saprophytic means to obtain nourishment from organic breakdown or decay. They are flat and rubbery often shaped somewhere between a disk and a kidney like shape, anywhere from average 2-8cm. they have a velvety top and a rubbery texture. they are multi coloured in a stripe pattern following the outer edge of the mushroom. The colours range from different browns to greens and even reddish tones.
The Turkey tail has enjoyed a long medicinal history in eastern medicine. It was included in the Chinese materia medica dating back to the Han dynasty in around 200bc. The fungi was listed in more detail sometime around the 15th century being noted for its benefit to the spirit (Shen) and for its ability to strengthen both bone and tendon. In around the 1960’s extracts of it were being used for the treatment of certain cancers in both China and Japan allowing them to gather clinical data making Trametes the most researched of the mushroom extracts to date. [1]
In the 60’s in Japan following a documented case of remission in an individual with a metastatic cancer, preliminary investigations into the bioactivity of Trametes began. This led to the isolation of Polysaccharide-K or PSK . A polysaccharide is a type of carbohydrate. It is a polymer made up of many sugar subunits, called monosaccharides. … The main functions of polysaccharides are structural support, energy storage, and cellular communication. polysaccharides exhibit immunomodulatory, antitumor, antithrombotic, anticoagulant, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral activities including anti-HIV infection, herpes, and hepatitis viruses. This led to some Japanese oncologists adding PSK to their chemotherapy protocols. This is the first documented application of immuno-oncology a concept now at the forefront of cancer research. 1n 1983 in China they isolated polysaccharide-peptide or PSP and eventually approved as an adjuvant therapy for certainties of cancers.
In Western medicine Studies on turkey tails have only begun in the last decade finding that PSK and other polysaccharides do in fact aid the immune system and show great promise against cancers when used with chemotherapy. A US study published in May 2012 by Oncology journal found that up to 9 grams/day of turkey tail was beneficial for immune building and support in post primary cancer treatment. The study suggested this therapy may be useful in preventing relapse. They concluded the study by stating that, “Research by our center continues to indicate that Coriolus versicolor represents a novel immune therapy with significant applications in cancer treatment.”[2] In western culture mushrooms have been villainized and mycophopia (fear of mushrooms) is common place. I believe this practice has slowed the initial research as does the difficulty in patenting nature. Still, mushroom powders of all sorts now appear as supplements and powders and can be found in most health food stores.
Trametes show promise in other avenues of health also. has shown that having a healthy colony of bacteria in the gut can help prevent disease and support the immune system. Turkey tail may be helpful in keeping a balance of gut bacteria, therefore improving overall health.
One study found that PSP from turkey tail has prebiotic abilities and helps the gut regulate its balance of bacteria. Prebiotics are a type of fiber that act as a food source for healthy bacteria in the gut.[3] In addition, evidence shows that PSP regulates the gut microbiome by balancing levels of healthy bacteria in the intestines. Having a healthy gut microbiome can prevent many conditions and diseases. It has even been shown to prevent obesity. The human gut microbiome and its role in both health and disease has been the subject of extensive research, establishing its involvement in human metabolism, nutrition, physiology, and immune function. Imbalance of the normal gut microbiota have been linked with gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and wider systemic manifestations of disease such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atopy. The gut bacteria are able to produce a variety of vitamins, synthesize all essential and nonessential amino acids, and carry out biotransformation of bile. In addition, the microbiome provides the vital biochemical pathways for the metabolism of nondigestible carbohydrates, which include large polysaccharides, such as resistant starches, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, and gums; some oligosaccharides that escape digestion; unabsorbed sugars and alcohols from the diet; and host-derived mucins. This functionality results in the recovery of energy and absorbable substrates for the host and a supply of energy and nutrients for bacterial growth and proliferation.Metabolism of carbohydrates is a major source of energy in the colon.[4]
A beautiful thing about Coriolus is that no Contraindications or drug interactions have been recorded that I have found. Meaning this medicine is safe for all people and can be used as a daily preventative and even active therapy for many common diseases and conditions. Please check my store for the tincture I make from the turkey tails I have sustainably harvested myself.
For you witches reading this, the turkey tail mushroom is associated with the astrological sign Taurus, the Sun, the element of Earth, and the god Aesculapius.
[1] http://mecklenburghsquaregarden.org.uk/the-turkey-tail-mushroom-a-thousand-year-story/
This batch was made with verified Gluten-free vodka. This is a 2oz double extraction full spectrum tincture of Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes Versicolor. I hand picked the mushrooms on Gabriola Island in BC Canada away from biological and chemical contaminants. I then processed it into the beautiful medicine I have to offer to you today. This can be taken as a daily supplement and is believed to support the immune system, reduce inflammation, equalize the gut microbiom, prevent tumor growths and cancers and it can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy when fighting cancer. This will come with full instructions for usage and dosage. Love and light.
Disclaimer: While studies have and are being conducted I am not involved in conducting them nor am I a scientist or a doctor. please talk to your doctor or health care provider and be sure to do your own research.